As most of you know, the family and I went to Ohio to see my family. Most of my family met Pod for the first time. This post is being added so that I can print it off and add it to Pod's book. So for those of you that we visited with in Ohio, this will be redunant to you since you were there!
Anyway, our trip to Ohio last Wednesday started as we left our driveway at 8:35 A.M. Pod slept most of the trip. We stopped in Kentucky at a Bob Evans for breakfast. When I ordered my breakfast (omlete), I asked them not to put cheese or dairy in it. So when the breakfast was served, they had put a cheese sauce on the top of it. I had to send it back. About an hour later I got my omlete the way it should have been cooked in the first place. The waitress blamed it on the kitchen staff. Of course neither Joe nor I were happy. But as we sat waiting for the breakfast, Pod sat contently in his car seat. I had put some rings (plastic chain links) on the carseat handle that would dangle and spark his interest. On one of them, I put a toy that hung low. Pod kept hitting it. I asked Joe if he thought it was accidental. But after watching Pod, we could see that he was reaching for it and intentionally hitting it!
We got back on the road. In Cincinnati, we ran into some traffic. By the time we made it to Daddy's house, it was about 7:00 - 7:30. Pod did excellent. He only woke up to eat his bottle and get his diaper changed. I was afraid he wouldn't sleep all night since he had slept all day. But, he ended up sleeping through the entire night! He didn't wake up one time!
Daddy met Pod for the first time. Pod had his funny Billy Bob pacifier in. Daddy laughed and thought it was funny. Daddy told me on the phone the day before we left that every baby he's ever held has cried. Pod didn't do it! Pod loves his Pap, that's for sure!!!
Thanksgiving Day we had dinner at 2:00 with Daddy & Amy and the family. Then we went to Aunt Darcy's house to have dinner there at 4:00. Pod met G. Gma Cay-Cay, Aunt Darcy, Uncle Rex, cousins Brian and Clayton and Tiffany. He got to see Aunt Kelly and Jessica again. Grandma D was there and was amazed at how much Pod had grown. We had a four generation picture taken of G. Gma Cay Cay, Grandma D, Mommy, and Pod. I love how it turned out. After dinner, we looked at pictures my mom made using her computer program where you can put faces into a "Year Book". It was the funnies thing. We had a great time watching that. We also did a Springer family tree on Aunt Darcy's floor. She decided she wanted to do that because whenever a new owner moves into the house and pulls up the wood floor, they'll find the family tree on the floor.... It's sort of a "If-These-Walls-Could-Talk" thing. I thought it was a neat idea.
We went back to Daddy and Amy's and again, Pod slept through the night!
Friday we got ready & went to Jodi's house. Mom planned on going to Cabella's since Joe didn't get to go in July when we were last up there. So we went to Jodi's to pick up Mom. I realized that I forgot my camera charger and the camera was dead. So we decided to run by Dad's house. On the way there, Sheena called and said she and her mom were on the way over to see Pod. I told them we were going to Cabella's, but they couldn't stand it another minute knowing he was there. We all met at Dad's house. They loved Pod. They told us not to tell Kelsey that they met Pod without her (She was at work) because she would kill them. So Joe took blackmail pictures!
Joe, Mom, Pod, and I left and went the Highlands. We stopped at Wendy's and ate. I fet the baby and then we went to Cabellas. Mom, Pod, and I walked around and showed Pod the deer display and shopped around. Then Pod and Daddy spent a few minutes together.
Mom and I were at the opposite end of an aisle of Joe and Pod when I looked and Joe holding Pod. I said, "Oh Mom, isn't he the cutest little thing you've ever seen?" As I said that, a dwarf was walking by. I didn't see him. Mom told me that I said that as the little person walked by. I got so embarrassed that my face turned bright red! Mom had to take my picture. I couldn't control my laughter. I had tears rolling down my face. I was so embarrassed!
After Cabellas we went to Kroger's to get some lotion for Pod's face and then went to pick up Home Pizza and was off to Jodi's house. There we all had pizza with Jodi and Eric. I took Mom up to Grandma's to pickup her truck and then I left to go back to Daddy's house. Mom was going to go back to Cleveland on Saturday.
Saturday Dad & Amy went TV shopping. When they got home, Daddy, Joe, Pod, and I went to Jean's house to visit. Aunt Nancy came over. They both held the baby and looked through pictures. After we left there, we went to Daddy's house again. Aunt Tami, Uncle Sam, Kelsey, Sheena, Chris, The Coleman's, Derek, & Heather came over. Jodi came over, too. Eric was at a wedding. We ordered pizza & I went on the pizza run. After eatting, Jodi & Kelsey left to go to the wedding. They came back a few hours later. Eric sat in the car until Joe & Dad found out he was told by Jodi to stay in there. They got him to come into the basement and he was telling the story of how he "kicked the old lady". Joe came upstairs laughing telling me I had to go talk to Eric. So downstairs I went to hear the story of how Eric kicked the old lady. It was so funny I had tears rolling down my face. After they all left, Joe, Pod, Daddy, Amy, and I went to sleep.
Sunday morning Joe & I got up and started packing things up. Daddy and Amy got up, too, to visit with the baby and help Joe, too. Daddy and Amy got to say their good-bye and we were off on the road heading back home.
On the way home, we ran into three small fender-bender wrecks. They delayed us, so the trip home was much longer. We were all tired. By the time we made it to the outside of Knoxville, Pod decided he had had enough of traveling and screamed the entire way back home. We stopped for dinner take-out at Shane's Rib Shack and went on to the house. The baby didn't stop screaming. It was pretty miserable.