Is he not the very cutest baby you've ever seen? Okay, okay... I'm a little biased... Anyway, the top picture of him in his hat and coat was from our shopping trip yesterday. It was bitter cold out and I had him bundled up like Randy on the movie "A Christmas Story". He looked so adorable in his little hat. He had a good time shopping with me. He stayed awake the whole trip (2 hours). When we got toward the house, I realized I needed to run to the bank. As soon as I passed our road, he started crying. I had to pull over in the Home Depot parking lot and feed him his bottle. He was fine after that. The top picture was taken while we were in Home Depot's parking lot.
The next three pictures were from Joe's birthday. In the top picture, check out the new microwave. It was a birthday present to Joe from his parents. Also, the shirt Joe is wearring is another birthday present.
Pod's clothes he had on were purchased for Christmas, but he needs them now. LOL The jeans, which are too long, are 12 months, the socks are 12-24 months, and the two T-shirts are 6-9 months. I also bought the jacket he is wearring in the first picture = 18 months. The boy is growing like a weed!
While we were out yesterday, I bought him some more of the formula. I didn't know what to do when I saw that it was only $14.49 before tax... WOW!! Anyway, I have been feeding him the straight milk-based formula without any of the old formula mixed in. He's doing great on it. He has had a few bowel movements and no blood in the diaper! Praise God!
Today I have start cooking for the Chistmas Eve & Christmas dinners. On Christmas Eve I'm taking meatballs, veggie tray, fruit tray, cheese balls with crackers, and yule logs. For Christmas brunch I'm fixing a ham, bacon, pancakes, candy cane cookies, 24 hour salad, and a cresent wreath. I've got a lot to get done and the baby is asleep, so I should go get started. I thought I would share the adorable pictures, though.
Love to you all!
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