Our Christmas Tree - Pod's First Christmas Tree - 2008
Another view of Pod's first Christmas Tree - December 14, 2008
Pod's Presents - December 14, 2008
Another picture of our Christmas tree 2008 - December 14, 2008
Our Living Room - December 14, 2008
Pod is watching us decorate the tree - December 14, 2008
Pod is watching Daddy untangle Christmas lights - December 14, 2008

Daddy untangles Christmas lights - December 14, 2008

Pod on December 13, 2008 = 3 months old
Our Christmas Tree - December 13, 2008

Joe puts the Christmas Tree on the porch - December 13, 2008

Check out the rope going along the roof of the car! - December 13, 2008
Daddy untangles Christmas lights - December 14, 2008
Pod on December 13, 2008 = 3 months old
Joe puts the Christmas Tree on the porch - December 13, 2008
Check out the rope going along the roof of the car! - December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008
December 13, 2008

Well, it's that time of the year! Finally, as of today, I am done shopping with exception to Joe's neices, which his sister was supposed to call me tonight and didn't do. She must not have gotten any time alone.
Anyway, we went Christmas Tree shopping on Pod's 3 month birthday (December 13th). We found the tree we wanted, which was $35, the two guys selling the Frazier Fir trees strapped it to the top of the PT Cruiser, and off we came back home. Joe unloaded the tree. Then we took Pod to Grandma Sue and Papa's house so Joe & I could go shopping. We found a few things. Joe bought me one of my Christmas presents... A 2008 Swarovski Christmas ornament. I decided that when we got married, I wanted a dated Swarovski Christmas ornament for every year.
By the time we were done shopping and had gotten back to Sue & Jerome's house, Machael & John had already left. We ate pizza & then brought the baby home.
The next day, December 14th, Pod, Daddy, & I went to church. It was Pod's first day at church. Everyone was happy to see us. When we got home, we put up our Christmas tree. Jerome and Sue came over. We finished decorating the house. Jerome & Sue played with Pod. Joe went to Home Depot and got a wreath for the front door and put white lights in it. He also got three flood lights (two red & one green). Our ouside of our house looks nice. I'll have to take picture and post it on here. We watched Christmas Vacation and part of Elf, ate hotdogs, macaroni & cheese, and green beans.
On Monday (December 15th) Pod, Sue, and I went to Pigeon Forge to do some Christmas shopping at the outlet stores. I got some Tommy Hilfiger clearance items for Pod and some sleepers from Carter's. Everything I bought was either 9 months or 12 months in size. The boy is growing like a weed!
This weekend is Joe's birthday, so we'll be busy this weekend. Oh yeah, and by the way, we got a notification on our cell phone tonight that Drew and Carol had their baby! Victor was born today. He weighed 6 lbs 3oz and was 53cm long! I told Pod that his buddy was born today. He looked at me like I was crazy!
Pod had his 3 month check-up today... NO shots! Yeah!! Anyway, he is 14 lbs. 10 oz. and is
24 1/2 inches long. He is doing great. The doctor told me to try Good Start formula, which is milk based. If I see blood in the diaper, I need to stop it immediately. Well, while I was shopping for the formula, I saw that they had a soy based formula, too, which was milk-free... All this time I've been paying out the hind end for formula, when I could have had him on a $13.00 can of formula.... Oh well, live and learn. At least I know that if the milk formula doesn't work, I can get the soy formula and not have to pay the crazy costs for what he has been taking.
Oh yeah, before I forget... I've got 10 more lbs to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight... I won't ever wear the same clothes again, but I'll weigh what I did. This jelly-belly is driving me crazy!
okay, enough for tonight...
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