Well, the time has finally arrived! Baby Jace was born on September 13, 2008 at 2:02 am. He is definitely Mommy & Daddy's bundle of joy!
Friday, September 12, 2008 I had a doctor appointment scheduled for 2:45. I wasn't feeling really well Friday morning or early afternoon. I checked my blood pressure and it was extremely high. I called Joe at work and he told me to go lay down and call him back in 30 mins after checking it again. I fell asleep and Joe called to check on me after he hadn't heard from me within 30 mins. So I got up to go check the blood pressure when my water broke at 1:00 pm. I told Joe I would call him back, but I thought my water had broke.
I called the doctor's office, told them about my blood pressure and that my water had broken. They told me not to wait until my appointment, but to get right in there to see the doctor. I called Joe back. He came home to pick me up. I told him I would meet him at the doctor's office since I wasn't having contractions or any discomfort. He wouldn't let me drive and told me he was on his way.
We made it to the doctor's office and they confirmed it was my water that had broken, but I hadn't started dilating yet. They ran over some information with us, checked the baby's heart rate, and then sent us on to labor and delivery.
Once in labor and delivery, I had a lot of paperwork to fillout (even though I had pre-registered). The contractions hadn't started yet. The doctor's kept coming in and checking on me. Finally they started Petosin (?). I'm not sure how to spell it. Anyway, I went from 0 cm to 3 cm in less than an hour. We thought I would have a very quick delivery. 10 hours later and after upping the petosin, I was only dilated to 4 cm. The contractions were so hard & strong they were going off of the chart. The attending OB doctor finally said that I should consider taking the epidural based upon the pain he could see in my face. So I did. I labored for two more hours, but couldn't feel a thing after the epidural. The contractions were still very strong, but after two hours (total of 12 hours) I hadn't dilated more than 4 cm. The doctor advised that the baby hadn't moved far enough down the canal and due to his size and my pelvis size, I wouldn't be able to deliver vaginally. Joe and I talked it through about waiting a little longer vs. going ahead with the C-section. We opted the c-section since the baby wasn't moving further down. I could lay there hours upon hours laboring, but I wasn't going to get anywhere. So they prepped me for the operation and got Joe dressed and off we went.
Jace was born at exactly 2:02 am. It was amazing. Joe was beside me the entire time holding my hand. They held the baby up for us to see. I couldn't really see him at all because of the drape. Joe went over to be with the baby and check him out. He weighed 8 lbs 4oz and was 21 inches long. He has a head full of auburn hair and registered 8.9 on the Apgar. Once he was cleaned up they brought him over to Joe to show me. What a precious moment that was!
Joe and I celebrated our one year anniversary in the hospital! Actually it was the sweetest thing ever! He suprised me by bringing our cake and topper the hospital along with our wedding video, two red roses, and the gift he got for me. It was the most romantic thing ever! We sat in the hospital bed eatting cake and watching our wedding video.
Later that afternoon Jace and I were released from the hospital. My mom stayed the week with us & was a huge help! Some of the ladies from church made us dinner two nights. Mom did most all of the remainder of cooking, cleaning, laundry. She was exhausted.
Joe and I spent most of last week running from doctor's appointment to doctor's appointment with the baby. This week has calmed down a bunch. Yesterday was one doctor appointment for me since the blood pressure thing is still in an uproar and Thursday is another doctor appointment for Jace. Tomorrow Joe and I are going to go look at a day care center and get put on the waiting list. I believe we've just about go the blood pressure under control, though.
So, that's a VERY basic outline of all that has happened. There's so much more detail and things of that nature, but quite frankly, I've got a newborn and I'm tired. So I'm going to go lay down while he's still asleep!
Will post more later.