Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday update

This is a 27w4d tummy picture taken outside of the reception hall last night.
Doesn't the baby on the left-hand side look like he has a headache? ha ha ha I bet that's what Jace is like since he has to listen to me all the time! :)
Yesterday was Joe's friend's wedding. It was small and simple. Not too much to it. The bride, Lynn, looked very pretty and Steve looked handsome, although Joe was the most handsome one up front! The wedding began at 5:00 and we were home by 8:30. The reception consisted of a sit-down dinner with your choice of chicken or ribeye. They cut the cake and then everyone left.
This morning we met up with my cousin Chris & his daughter Abigail for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. It was a nice visit with them. Joe had never met Chris.
After breakfast we headed over to the mall to take back the tuxedo. I had to run into Sephora to get some make-up I was out of. Then we stopped in a few other stores to browse and then headed home. I noticed on the way home there was a used child's clothing store that appeared to have furniture, etc in the window to. So Joe turned around we went in to check it out. I'm glad we did.
Joe spotted the cutest walker, jumper combination. It looks like a car. It is darling. Joe asked if they would negotiate on the price and we got it for 10% off. Although it was in the used children's store, it was brand new. The tags are all still on it and the wheels didn't look as though they had seen the floor! So the lady got out some batteries, put them in so we could see that it does work. The neat thing about it is the front (where the car hood is) comes off and under it is actually a tray for the toddler to eat off of. Also the seat folds completely under the tray and the baby can walk behind it. It's really neat. It's so cute! Here are some pictures of it: