Well, today I'm at 34 weeks. Yesterday I had some issues with the pregnancy. My regular two week check-up was scheduled until today, by yesterday morning I was having some contractions this with cramping & pressure. I called the doctor and spoke to the nurse. She asked me to come in to get a check-up. She asked meif I was having any pain with the contractions. I told her in the morning I was having menstrual like cramping. It wasn't unbearable at all, but on Monday I had one contraction actually doubled me over it was so painful.
The contractions yesterday morning were about every 20 mins. Doctor had me come in at 1:30 PM to check things out. When I got there, they hooked me up to the non-stress machine (external fetal monitoring system), which measures the baby's heartbeat and my uterine contractions. It's what they hook you up to at the hospital when you go into labor.
Anyway, the baby is doing great and they confirmed that I was having contractions. They didn’t tell me exactly how many, but I could feel them. After they were done monitoring on the machine, the doctor took me in to the exam room to check my cervix to see if there was any dialation with the contractions. Fortunately there isn't any dialation.
The doctor then checked to see if he could feel the baby's head. He was able to feel the baby's head and was able to push on it and the baby would bounce up, which means, he's head down and in position, but not so far down in the pelvic area to give any concern right now. So the doctor told me to keep my appointment for today and he'll check my cervix again to make sure that I'm didn't start dialating over night.
One thing I learned in birthing classes is that if you have 4 or more contractions in an hour to call the doctor. Dr. told me that I could have that many and more in an hour, but as long as I can laugh and talk through them, no need for concern. It's when they hurt and cramp that I need to call the dr. office about it.
So everything is going fine right now. I'm having pre-term contractions, but fortunately not pre-term labor. I'm going to go into the doctor's office again today at 2:15. I'll let you know tomorrow after my doctor's appointment then how things go.
One thing he said was that if I do start dialating at 34 weeks, they'll give me medication to stop it. If I do deliver pre-37 weeks, they'll make me deliver at U.T. Hospital rather than the hospital we intended to deliver at simply because of the neo-natal ICU. The baby would have to stay in the NICU for a little while to make sure the lungs are doing well & he's strong enough to go home. If I go into labor any time past 37 weeks, they won't stop it and I can deliver at the hospital near our house. There would be less of a chance of Jace having to stay at the hospital longer than me.
While I was at the hospital yesterday for my dr's appointment, I went ahead and pre-registered. That way if we do deliver at the hospital we want, we can go straight into L&D and not go through registration.
Well, I'll have more info for you after my doctor's appointment this afternoon. I may not be able to post until tomorrow though, because Joe and I have a class tonight from 6:00 until 9:00.