Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Monday, December 21, 2009
Pod Sees Santa... And Doesn't Like What He Sees

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Second Haircut

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween 2009
Now isn't that funniest picture? Doesn't it conjure up memories of Christmas watching "The Christmas Story" when Ralphie has to wear the bunny costume??? HA HA HA HA Oh wait - I found something....
Anyway.... now that I'm done laughing... Here's the back of the costume (okay so I'm laughing again!)
So my biggest fear was that after I put all the hard work into this costume and made my sister mad in the process - that's another whole story - I worried no one would know what he was. I was afraid he looked like a mouse! So I had him carry arround his sock monkey in his orange plastic jack-o-lantern...

So when I picked him up from school yesterday, his report read: "Jace was so cute in his sock monkey costume! Everyone commented on he should win cutest costume @ (insert school name here). Way to go Jaime!" So I was a little proud, but yet still had doubts that they were just trying to pat my ego.
Now, fast forward to last night on the drive home. I see that there is a trick or treat at the park. I called Joe and asked if he was on his way home and if he wanted to go? (Be prepared... this is where the bragging gets deep!)
So we get Jace dressed up again and off we go to the park, sock monkey and plastic jack-o-lantern in tow. We just get to the bottom of the hill and a few of the parents are going, "Oh would you look at how cute! A sock monkey! I've never seen a costume like that before! It's adorable!" Well, it was that way all night! I was VERY proud then... One lady even asked if she could take his picture because he was too cute & her friend makes sock monkeys for Christmas gifts every year.
Jace walked a majority of the way Trick or Treating. Joe carried him part of the way. We got there a little too late and some of the vendors were closing down before we could make the entire loop. I had a ball just watching Jace see all the costumes and hearring everyone comment on his. It was a ton of fun!
I called Joe's mom & dad when we got home and told them to be prepared with Puffs becuase they're going to get a trick or treater on Halloween night. I told them that we took Jace Trick or Treating and mom and dad got a lot of candy, but this trick-or-treater needed some puffs. LOL So tonight after Joe gets home from work, we're going to take our little sock monkey over to see them.
Here's some more pictures from yesterday at daycare and then trick or treating last night:
Jace in parade
Taking a break after marching in parade
Hi Mom!
All the kids at the daycare:
Brawny Man (Paper Towel Commercial) - How genius is that??? I love it!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Home Today!
I called into work to let them know what was going on, checked my voicemail & returned my calls, and rescheduled appointments set for today. Since then, Jace and I have read books, played lightly with toys, but mostly I've just carried him around everywhere. He's extremely whiny since he's not feeling well. He isn't wanting me to put him down. He ate a little bit for lunch. Not much, but that's not unusual. After lunch I laid him down to take his nap. He's been in the room crying now for about 5 minutes. He's so tired, but he loves to fight a nap/sleep when he's put in his bed. I guess that's just children.
So, now I'm off to do some house work. I'm "flying" right along with Fly Lady and doing what needs to be done every day. What a difference she is making in our lives! The positive side to him being sick is that I can get some stuff done today while he's taking his nap. I try to find some positive in every situation... So I better get off of this blog and get to work flying....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Language Arts:
"I listened to the nursery rhyme "Three Little Kittens" today during circle time.
Cognitive Development:
"I compared and contrasted different types of fabric today by color, feel and size!"
Creative Art:
"I colored my own mitten today during art time using crayons!"
"I sang along to the sont "Pat-A-Cake" with my teachers and friends during circle time?"
Motor Skills:
"I climbed up the motor mats to help my skills today! My gross motor muscles are getting really strong"
Social Science:
I practiced taking turns and kicking a ball to my friends today!"
Science/Nature Study:
"I meowed like a cate today to recognize animals for my teachers!"
Self-Help/Life Skills
"I threw my trash away after lunch like a big kid today!"
"Jace was such a ham at snack time. He made everybody laugh when he smacked the table."

This picture was taken this past Saturday at the Maple Lane Farms Pumpkin Patch.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Day At The Pumpkin Patch

Daddy's pumpkin is finished first!

Daddy proud of his suprise design in the process!

Jace with the Chick-Fil-A cow

I just love that hat!

Picking out a pumpkin for Daddy

The wagon I love

The wagon I love

Isn't this just the cutest picture ever?

Cutie Patootie

Leading the way to the pumpkins

Proud of himself after leading the way through the maze

A little off track!

Mommy & Jace in the maze

Leading the way through the maze

Daddy & Jace in the maze

That's one big tire!

Do you see a baby anywhere?

Tall boy!

Getting tall!

We spent the day on Saturday the 24th of October at the corn maze and pumpkin patch. The three of us had a great time. We let Jace walk through the maze instead of carrying him. I think he enjoyed it. After we walked around the maze, then we walked through the little market and then picked out our pumpkins. On the way home, we stopped to get the pumpkin carving set and then went to town working on the pumpkins as soon as we got home. Joe did his free-handed. I printed out a "spooky" print of mine, but it was way too tedious and it didn't turn out anything like I expected it to.