So it's been a pretty busy time since the big ONE... Get it?? okay, so I'm corny. Anyway, the three of us were involved in a car wreck on Friday. We're all okay. Joe and I have stiff backs and Pod seems to be doing just fine. Thank goodness for such a great carseat! You know, we just turned his carseat around to face front....
We were stopped at a red light. We were waiting for it to turn green. We were the first car at the intersection. Anyway, out of no where I felt my body be forced forward (we were wearring seatbelts) & a horribly loud crash. I screammed as loud as I could because it scared me to death. The baby started screamming. Joe said, "what the hell?" I looked back at Jace and realized we had been hit. The force of the impact had pushed our car clear through the intersection. It happened in a matter of seconds. There were no warnings like squealing brakes or anything... The driver in the vehicle that hit us told the officer that she wasn't paying attention. Ughhh young drivers...
So now I'm driving a car with a tailgate that won't open or close. We're going to have to take it to the shop to have an estimate done. The entire back area will have to be replaced. The bumper, the tailgate, the rear quarter panels.
Needless to say, I just haven't had a chance with Pod teething and being clingy and then the wreck, the pictures were on delay!
So - here they are:
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