According to the measurements taken in the doctor's office today, I'm officially at 37 weeks and 6 days. We found out why he was measuring big last week.... it's his belly. He has got the biggest belly ever! I can't believe it! It's measuring 38 cm and his head is measuring 33 cm. So, he's got a big ol' belly!
The doctor did an exam and found that I am not dilated and my cervix is not thinning. So he's still got some more "baking" time! Although at 37 weeks he is considered full term, they usually try to go as close to 40 as possible.
The doctor saw my swelling feet and with the high blood pressure decided it was time that I quit work. So today was my last day at the office. I feel really good that I left my coworkers in a great position to where they really don't have much to do on my files. I tried to get as caught up as possible. By the end of the day today, my queues were zero'd out and my calendars were current with what needs to happen on each file.
Because of the blood pressure issues, the doctor wants to see me again on Monday. He said I am borderline hypertensive. If I go in to the doctor's office and my blood pressure is about where it is now and there's no dilating or thinning of the cervix, he'll allow nature to take it's course. However, if I go in on Monday or have any readings over 180 this weekend, they may induce me. The problem with them inducing me on Monday is that since I'm not dilated and the cervix isn't thinning, there's a high probability for a c-section rather than a vaginal birth. As long as the baby is healthy is all I'm concerned about.
His heartbeat was measuring at 140 beats per minute today and he's continuing to have great movements. So, they're not concerned at this point. I just have to keep an eye on things.
The doctor advised that even if they didn't induce me on Monday, he doesn't think I'm going to make my due date at all. In fact, although I'm not supposed to hold him to it, he said he didn't think I would make it through next week without delivering. He said he could be wrong, but there's a good possibility.
Since the blood pressure was high and I'm borderline hypertensive, the doctor ordered blood work on me to check to make sure my liver was okay. He told me that if it came back elevated, he would call me today otherwise consider everything okay. I didn't receive a phone call from the doctor this afternoon or this evening, so good news there!
Anyway, it's getting late and I need to get some rest. So I'm going to call it a night. Just wanted to update you on the doctor appointment and share the pics of the baby. Sorry they're so blurry. Our scanner isn't hooked up yet so I took a photograph of the ultrasound picture! LOL
Good night!!!
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