Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pod Goes For A Drive - Low Rider Style

I really don't need to say too much about this....LOL He's so funny! Anyway, tomorrow is his 2 month birthday. Last night we started talking about his 1 year birthday party. I asked him what kind of cake he wanted Mommy to make him. He wouldn't answer me.... So, I'll have to wait a little while longer to figure out who he likes. We know he likes Veggie Tales and Elmo.

Pod has started to actually smile now. He's not smiling just because he has gas. So his whole face is involved in the smile. He's just a cute boy. He's pretty much healed from his surgery he had a week ago.

Other things he's doing are holding his head up, getting up on his knees when he's on his belly, holding his head up (for a few seconds) while on his belly, making different intentional noises that doesn't involve crying, and smiles and talks to himself in the mirror on his swing. He's noticed his own voice.

Tomorrow I go for my final doctor appointment (follow-up check-up) and Friday Pod goes for his 2 month check up. Poor little guy will have his first set of immunization shots this doctor visit. He's not going to be too happy with me for taking him there.

Everyone in our household is doing great. There's really not anything else new going on. Talk to you all soon. Enjoy the video! It's a hoot!


Dana said...


Kelly said...

That is such a cute little car!! But who gave him driving lessons? He's not looking where he's going ! ! ! I'm glad that you are finding recipes - hope all is well.